
Innovative, sustainable and affordable disinsection products

All-Round protection, cost-effective and convenient

Our insecticides are distinguished by maximum efficiency, persistent for up to three months and ease of application. Our products are concentrated, safe for people and the environment, with a neutral or pleasant smell, but with 100% effectiveness against flying and/or crawling insects.

You can choose any of our concentrated product with low odor, ideal for indoor treatments with a shock effect, for areas with strong infestation, maintenance products, with a long effect

Bionet A 15 is indicated for the disinfection and washing of surfaces:...
Ready-to-use disinfectant intended for the disinfection of small surfaces by spraying. It...
Produsul CYPER G este un concentrat de șoc și de remanentă sporită...
The EXTRATOX ECO+ product is a shock and enhanced residual concentrate particularly...
Forttox GP is a ready-to-use, shock and persistence insecticide. Forttox CPE is...
The GETOX CT+ product is a shock concentrate effective in combating cockroaches,...
The SUPERTOX product is a shock and enhanced residual concentrate particularly effective...